Besides two books on Post Play, Coach Battenberg has written articles for several magazines and websites -
Athletic Journal, Winning Hoops, MaxPreps etc. Check out some of these at the right.

If you have a question or topic of discussion for Coach Battenberg, please submit it through the "Ask Coach"


-North Sydney Basketball Development Manager
Peter Lonergan

“Terry is one of the best teachers in the game and his ability to not only teach young players, but mentor coaches makes him one of the leading clinicians going around.”

Post Player Links

Outline from Chicago

Bank Shot

Feeding the Post

Face Up to the Basket 

Offensive Rebounding

High Post Shot Fake, Drive

Off Season Improvement

AAU Tournament


Fall Conditioning

Pump Fake

Posting Up

Best Post Move 

"Basketball can sometimes be a game of luck and if you don't have a good post player,
you could be in for some bad luck." Coach Battenberg